Hello everybody!
I got one experience about Passport and Visa. The problem is I already made Chinese visa when I came back in my home country but I didn't see my passport that it will expiry in the date that I'm not in my home country then the problem is Chinese visa that already in old passport cannot relate together with new passport (depend on country) you should ask embassy ahout making or apply for visa in each country you will go. Then I need to make a new one in my new passport in which that Chinese visa that I make it in old passport I didn't use and it still valid. Some problem happen then should solve this problem ^^ now my passport and visa already OK then waiting for flight! Oh! one tips ^^ Your passport should have 6 month before expiry gonna be OK to take off or buy air ticket...
Mois prochain, Je vais a la Chine! Il y a un probleme, Le probleme c'est le chinois visa. Quand J'arrieais a Bangkok(TH), Je suis alle rapidement appliquer le visa mais Je ne regarde pas mon passeport. Mon Passeport de expiration c'est le temps que Je ne reste pas dans la Thailande. ** La specifique le probleme c'est le nouveau passeport et Je ne peux pas utiliser le chinois visa dans le vieux passeport que le chinois visa est encore valide. Ensuite Je dois appliquer le chinois visa encore dans le nouveau passeport. (-.-)**
Save your flight and have a nice vacation ^^
By Mark Zhang